Heavy Periods Specialist

Shelnutt Gynecology
Gynecologist located in Athens, GA
While virtually all women experience menstruation, that experience is unique from one woman to the next. For those who experience heavy bleeding, Judson Shelnutt, MD, of Shelnutt Gynecology in Athens, Georgia, offers treatments that can help make your periods more manageable. Don’t suffer from the discomfort and disruption of heavy bleeding when there are options that can bring relief. Schedule an appointment today, online, or by phone.
Heavy Periods Q & A
What is a normal menstrual period?
There is a wide range of conditions that can be considered normal during menstruation. When you’re young, your periods may be longer, lighter, and more irregular than later in life. Some women have a heavier flow even from their first periods, while others have light bleeding that only lasts a couple of days.
The definition of heavy bleeding is often bleeding that requires a new pad or tampon every hour for at least a full day. Severe cramping is also an indication of abnormal bleeding. Passing large blood clots can be a sign of heavy bleeding, as can periods that last for a week or longer.
In general, if your periods are so heavy and uncomfortable that they prevent you from going through your normal daily routines, it might be time to schedule a diagnostic exam at Shelnutt Gynecology.
Why is it important to determine the cause of heavy bleeding?
Left untreated, heavy bleeding can cause anemia, which can lead to numerous other health issues. A simple blood test can determine if you’re anemic, and Dr. Shelnutt can advise you on how to get your blood counts back into a normal range.
Another reason to seek diagnostic care is to determine if your heavy bleeding is a symptom of another gynecologic condition. Some of the causes of heavy bleeding include:
- Hormonal imbalance
- Ovarian failure
- Uterine polyps
- Uterine fibroids
- Endometriosis
- Miscarriage
- Certain cancers
- Certain medications
- Genetic bleeding disorders
- Problems with your liver or kidneys
Determining the cause of heavy bleeding is the first step in finding relief.
How is heavy bleeding diagnosed?
Dr. Shelnutt begins with a thorough diagnostic exam to find the cause of your bleeding. You’ll discuss your personal and family health history and explain your symptoms.
A pelvic exam gives Dr. Shelnutt a chance to check for abnormalities in your uterus, cervix, and vagina. Blood testing might be needed to learn more about how well your organs are functioning.
A Pap test looks for changes in the cells of your cervix that could indicate cancer. It’s a routine part of a pelvic exam and requires no advance preparation or recovery. Ultrasound imaging provides a picture of your internal tissues and can look for fibroids or other abnormalities.
In some cases, a hysteroscopy is the best way to learn more about what’s causing heavy bleeding. This process uses a thin, lighted tube to create real-time imaging of your vaginal, cervical, and uterine tissues.
Dr. Shelnutt works with you to determine the cause of heavy bleeding. Once he has more information, he can discuss various treatments that can help, including but not limited to endometrial ablation.
When you’re ready to find answers and explore solutions, book an appointment at Shelnutt Gynecology using the online tool or call the office to check availability.