PMS Specialist

Shelnutt Gynecology
Gynecologist located in Athens, GA
Most women experience some indications that their period is about to arrive, but for some, premenstrual syndrome is a serious matter. Judson Shelnutt, MD, of Shelnutt Gynecology in Athens, Georgia, can help you find relief from the symptoms of PMS with a customized treatment plan aligned to fit your specific needs. Online scheduling makes it easy to set up a visit any time of day or night, or you can always call during business hours to schedule your appointment.
What is PMS?
PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome, which is a collection of symptoms that occur a week or two before your period. As many as 90% of women report noticeable changes in advance of their periods, but most are able to manage those symptoms with routine self-care efforts.
For some women, however, premenstrual syndrome is a far more challenging and disruptive experience. If you find yourself altering your normal routines to accommodate premenstrual symptoms, you may want to schedule a diagnostic exam at Shelnutt Gynecology to look for answers.
What are the symptoms of PMS?
No two women share the exact same experience of menstruation, so your symptoms may be different from those of friends or even close family members. If you routinely experience the following, you may suffer from premenstrual syndrome.
- Bloating
- Cramping
- Swollen or tender breasts
- Headache
- Backache
- Irritability
- Tension or anxiety
- Changes in appetite
- Low libido
This is far from a comprehensive list. Any changes that predictably occur in the weeks prior to your period could be a sign of PMS and warrant evaluation from women’s health specialist Dr. Shelnutt.
What can be done to treat PMS?
There are several options for treating premenstrual syndrome at Shelnutt Gynecology. Dr. Shelnutt creates a customized treatment plan designed to address your specific concerns.
Medication may play a role in your treatment. Some over-the-counter medications can help, and there are also prescription drugs that can deliver relief. Hormonal birth control is a good fit for many women and helps by improving hormonal balance. In some cases, antidepressants are an effective option.
Dr. Shelnutt can also discuss various lifestyle changes that can help you cope with PMS. Moving closer to your ideal weight, quitting smoking, and cutting back on caffeine and alcohol are just a few examples of steps you can take.
Can vitamins and minerals help reduce PMS symptoms?
A growing number of studies suggest that select vitamins and minerals can help reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Calcium, vitamin B6, magnesium, and supplements containing certain fatty acids can make it easier to cope with PMS.
It’s important to work with Dr. Shelnutt when considering supplementation. Some vitamins and minerals can make your medications less effective or cause a negative reaction. In many cases, improving your diet can increase your intake of vitamins and minerals and reduce your need for supplementation.
If you’d like more information about premenstrual syndrome and the available treatment options, schedule a time to sit down with Dr. Shelnutt to discuss your needs and goals. Online scheduling is one option, or you can always call Shelnutt Gynecology to speak with a friendly member of the administrative staff.