Hormone Therapy Specialist

Shelnutt Gynecology
Gynecologist located in Athens, GA
Hormone replacement therapy is a powerful treatment for menopause symptoms. Judson Shelnutt, MD, of Shelnutt Gynecology, has earned a reputation for excellence in hormone replacement therapy, and is highly sought after in the Athens, Georgia, area and beyond. If you have questions or concerns about the role that hormone replacement therapy can play in your overall health and wellness, schedule a consultation online or by phone today.
Hormone Therapy Q & A
What is hormone replacement therapy?
Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, is a treatment at Shelnutt Gynecology focused on supplementing your natural hormone production to create an optimal balance. HRT is usually part of menopause treatment, although some women require hormone replacement therapy earlier in life based on other medical conditions.
The hormones most commonly used in HRT are estrogen, progesterone, and progestin. There are various ways to receive HRT. Administering hormones may occur via pills, patches, creams, sprays, or vaginal preparations. Delivery through tiny pellets inserted directly under your skin is also possible. Dr. Shelnutt can explain the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision about your treatment plan.
What are the benefits of hormone replacement therapy?
For women who suffer from hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disruptions, headaches, and other common menopause symptoms, hormone replacement therapy can help you take control over your days and nights. Research has shown that hormone replacement therapy can also prevent bone loss and reduce your risk of fractures.
Hormone replacement therapy can also improve your sex life. Treatment can improve vaginal dryness and increase your sex drive. Very often, women going through menopause begin to avoid sex because of growing discomfort. Treatment can give you back that special connection with your partner.
What is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
It is not yet possible to transfer hormones from one person to another, so hormone replacement therapy relies on synthetic hormones. Some of those options are formulated from animal sources. Most notably, one type of synthetic hormones is created from the urine of pregnant horses.
Bioidentical hormones are created from plant sources. The makeup of these synthetic hormones is identical to the hormones your body produces naturally. That means your body cannot tell the difference between your own hormones and those delivered via supplementation.
Dr. Shelnutt can discuss the pros and cons of various HRT options in greater detail during your consultation at Shelnutt Gynecology and can answer any questions you have about the process and the expected results.
Book an appointment today to begin the process, or to simply learn more about the available options. You can set up a visit online or by phone at Shelnutt Gynecology, so don’t delay.